CPENG East Joint Networking Social

  • 06 Aug 2019
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Fox and Hound Pub and Grille
  • 0


Registration is closed

CPENG East Joint Networking Social – Blue Bell & Exton
Tue, August 6th, 5:30 – 8:00 PM

All mid to senior level executives are welcome to come and discover the benefits of CPENG while you meet and mingle with members and guests.  Bring a name tag to wear and business cards to exchange… and bring a colleague!
 * Please note that we have a complimentary 2-event limit for our guests.

Note the Venue Change again!
Fox and Hound Pub and Grille
160 N. Gulph Rd; Suite 211
King of Prussia, PA 19406

There is a $10 per person charge that will be collected at sign-in to cover hors d'oeuvres. Happy Hour (5-7PM) features drink specials during much of the meeting duration.

We look forward to a good time and some great networking!!!

Eleanore Meals   610-574-0584
Bob Popek           267-337-0617

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