CPENG FAQ’S 1. How can I get a new password? On the Home page in the upper right corner next to your name, click on “change password”, enter your Current vs. New password fields, and click on the Save button. 2. How can I edit my profile? On the Home page, click in the upper right corner where “your name” is underlined. This will take you to your Profile page; click on the Edit Profile button, make your edits, and then click on the Save button. 3. How do I know if my membership renewal is up? You will get automatic reminders 2 weeks before, 1 week before, the day of and 1 week after your renewal date. 4. How do I pay if my membership has elapsed? Retrieve one of the reminder emails and follow the embedded link. 5.How do I see jobs? In order to see posted jobs, you must be a member of CPENG. Go to Forums/Job Forum to access all posted jobs. If you would like to receive daily notices of job postings, go to the right side of the Job Forum page - there is an option to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to job forum alerts. 6. How do I get the “Job Forum daily update summary” email alert? Go to Forums/Job Forum. On the right side of the page there is an option to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to job forum alerts. If you subscribe, you will receive daily job posting alerts from CPENG. 7. How can I find a member? You must be a member in order to search for a member. Click Members; this will take you to the Advanced Search. Use Advanced Search if you are searching for a member with specific profile parameters - particular company name, state, etc. Select Simple Search if you know a member’s name. 8. Can I attend other chapter meetings? As a non-member/guest, we encourage people to attend 1-2 meetings to participate, learn more about the benefits of our member’s organization, and then decide to apply. Members may attend any of the 5 area CPENG meetings. 9. Why should I register for a CPENG event? Many events have limited seating; if you attend and didn’t register, there may be no seat for you! If you register and can’t attend, please send a note to the meeting facilitator so they can make your seat available. 10. I visited the website (as a guest) and find no job postings or other helpful resources – why should I join? As a member, you will have access to our Job Posting and General Discussion forums; access to our contemporary job search and career Articles page; ability to search for members with an extensive set of filters; and you may attend any of the 5 area CPENG meetings. We also have recruiter members who assist with placement support and job postings. 11. Can I post job opportunities? Not directly. If you have a job opportunity that you would like to share with the membership, our job board volunteer Tim Trout (Reading Facilitator/Board member) will be happy to post it to our website. Please send full details as a Word file to jobs@cpengroup.org. Formatting the information for easy ‘copy & paste’ is appreciated. 12. Can I post non-CPENG events? Not directly. If you think it is something that will be of interest/benefit to the membership, Tim Trout (Reading Facilitator/Board member) will be happy to post it to our website. If you would like to share with the membership, please send full details as a Word file to events@cpengroup.org. Formatting the information for easy ‘copy & paste’ is appreciated. 13. If you have a question for the Webmaster? Please contact our Webmaster, at webmaster@cpengroup.org. We will be happy to answer your questions.
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