CPENG Recruiter Member Guidelines Career Professional Executives Networking Group (CPENG) is a membership based nonprofit organization that provides a forum for members to develop professional relationships and to provide support for business and professional career transitions through training, volunteer experience, networking and support groups. The culture is friendly and welcoming, and we offer monthly meetings at multiple locations. We welcome recruiters that demonstrate the highest levels of personal and professional integrity, have a sincere desire to assist our members with their career transitions and professional networking, and are supportive of our organization's core objectives. The following guidelines will be followed: 1. The CPENG Board will review and approve Recruiter on-line applications. 2. Recruiter membership annual fee is the same as our Regular membership fee, as stated on our www.cpengroup.org web site. 3. Recruiters are encouraged to email Word file listings of their open job opportunities to their CPENG sponsor. The opportunities will be posted on our CPENG site for General member access. 4. Recruiter members will have Regular membership site access, except the ability to view member information and job postings. a. The Regular membership has access to Recruiter member contact information to pursue posted opportunities or to establish a relationship with the recruiter. b. Preventing recruiter access to job postings ensures that other recruiters will not be able to see your job postings. 5. CPENG members will be encouraged to reach out to recruiters when they have a keen interest and appropriate qualifications for a posted opportunity. 6. Should a recruiter be successful in placing a CPENG member, the recruiter would provide a $250 minimum donation to the CPENG organization. This minimal fee will aid CPENG in covering its administrative costs and the costs associated with providing tools and services to our members. 7. Recruiter members are encouraged to: a. Attend our various chapter meetings and engage members in conversation regarding job search, interview skills, networking, etc. best practices. b. Offer introductions that may assist members in their networking objectives. c. Submit available job opportunity specifications for posting onto the CPENG site. d. Prepare and deliver presentations on subjects of general member interest - career transitions, working with recruiters, industry and company research, interview techniques, skills assessments, personal development, etc. e. Recruiter presentations will typically increase meeting attendance, and hopefully bring strong value to both Recruiters and general members.
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Career Professional Executives Networking Group Inc. is a Pennsylvania United States of America registered nonprofit corporation
187 Tice Lane - Lebanon - PA - 17042 - 717-575-4114
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